Florist Choice Christmas Bouquet

Florist Choice Christmas Bouquet
Size Options:
*All Prices are in Australian Dollars
Why not include a small gift?
Chocolate and Lolly Bar Teddy Bears Wine Bar
Candles and Bath Salts Vases Cards and Signs
Total: $
Or 4 payments of $17.50 with AfterPay Info

Product Details

Only available from the 20/12

Fresh flower Christmas bouquet florist choice, we pick the flowers for you, best in season on the day of your flowers being delivered. We will do our best to keep flowers in Christmas colours reds, whites, and greens. 

Please note each arrangement is unique and different and may not be exactly as pictured

Christmas designs are only available for pick up or delivery from 12th December until Christmas Eve. If you're wanting a Christmas design before this date please contact us first before placing your order.